Saturday, January 31, 2015

The Bully Quest Alliance (BQA)


"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mahatma Ghandi
The Bully Quest Alliance is a group of unified Kennel Clubs which promotes American Pitbull Terrier and the American Bully breed; it aims to establish a higher standard in canine ownership and further lead its members in ensuring a reliable conduct toward others.
At BQA, we believe that each member that forms part a Kennel Club shall contribute directly to the growth and success of the Club and hoping that a member will take pride in being part of the team.
It is apparent that we as dog owners have much to lose if we do not maximize our efforts and encourage all pure-bred dog owners with the same beliefs and goals to be with us.
At BQA we consider that:
1. Dogs are valuable property and we are dog owners, not dog guardians. As property, animal ownership is a constitutional right and lifestyle that is worth preserving. Dog ownership denotes rights as well as reponsibilities.
2. Our lives are richer and more meaningful with our canine companions.
3. Dogs produced in a well-planned breeding program, in a home environment/residential kennel have historically produced the highest quality dogs with most stable temperaments. Breeders using input from experts within their breed should be individuals making reproductive decisions concerning their dogs and shall use accepted breeding practices for others to follow.
4. Breed history and purpose should be the backdrop in determining breed type and believe that individual breeders have the bigger interest in the determination of where their individual breeds will go in the future.
5. Dogs live happier and more fullfilled lives when participating in legal roles for which they were bred. All dogs need socialization, training and exercise to fulfill their function as companions and working dogs.
6. The are no breeds of dogs that can be considered more vicious or prone to bite than any other breed.
The Bully Quest Alliance is committed to being a leader in the preservation of the rights of dog owners and breeders.
The BQA was formed to focus and work towards the goal of the following:
1. Educating, uniting and creating teamwork within Kennel Clubs to achieve responsible canine ownership.
Educating the public and its members about the importance of responsible canine ownership is the primary goal of BQA. Existence of breed standards, tranings, seminars and show conducts shall be part of this education. Canine informative research from members shall be documented and incorporated in our BQA canine research files for continuous development and information resouces.
Unity and team work will be imposed by BQA to its members; we will never accomplish goals without cooperation. This also shall be our defense from individuals or group who wish to misled us from our purpose; BQA shall take part to protect its members' freedom of choice.
2. Promoting better image of the breed and responsible ownership in communities.
Promoting the breed in a positive view is the secondary goal of BQA. We strive to improve the public's view on the American Pitbull Terrier and American Bully breed thru Conformation Events.
3. Disapproving the breed for any illegal activities.
The BQA is strongly opposing to the mistreatment and use of the breed for any illegal activities, including dog fighting.
4. Promoting fair conduct at Conformation Events.
Conducting Conformation Events and other activities deemed by the BQA to be in the best interest of the breed.
Principles and Purposes
Responsible canine breeding and owning shall embody the principles and purposes of BQA. BQA shall effectively promote the American Pitbull Terrier and American Bully breed through education within the community; BQA sponsored Conformation Events shall be hosted to encourage Kennel Clubs and our members to pursue our principles.
Success and advancement shall be our commitment; seminars and trainings shall be conducted to have a immediate attention to our members. We will make sure that information and tools shall be provided to the members in order to achieve the purpose of BQA.
Our services includes Training and Seminars for the members and organinzing BQA sponsored Conformation Events.
Trainings and seminars shall be conducted regularly to enhance development among beginners and assist enthusiasts to the right lead of canine breeding and ownership.
" Every man has been gifted the ability to succeed; unite, discover and learn with the Bully Quest Alliance" BQA